India kashmir news

Here are some recent news updates from Kashmir, India:

Recent Developments:

  1. Article 370 abrogation anniversary: August 5 marks the anniversary of the Indian government's decision to abrogate Article 370 of the Constitution, which granted special status to Jammu and Kashmir. The move was met with widespread protests and restrictions in the region.
  2. Pulwama attack anniversary: February 14 marks the anniversary of the Pulwama terror attack, in which a suicide bomber affiliated with the Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) killed 40 Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) personnel. The attack led to a surge in tensions between India and Pakistan.
  3. Kashmir Valley remains under lockdown: The Kashmir Valley has been under a strict lockdown since August 2019, with internet and mobile services suspended, and movement of people restricted. The lockdown has had a significant impact on the local economy and daily life.

Recent News:

  1. Kashmiri students protest in Delhi: A group of Kashmiri students protested in Delhi against the Indian government's policies in Kashmir, demanding the restoration of Article 370 and an end to the lockdown.
  2. Pakistan PM Imran Khan visits Kashmir: Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan visited the Pakistan-administered Kashmir region, where he met with local leaders and reiterated his country's support for the Kashmiri people.
  3. Indian Army launches operation in Kashmir: The Indian Army launched a major operation in Kashmir, codenamed "Operation All Out", aimed at eliminating terrorist groups and restoring peace in the region.
  4. Kashmiri separatist leader Yasin Malik arrested: Yasin Malik, a prominent Kashmiri separatist leader, was arrested by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) in connection with a case related to the funding of terrorist activities in Kashmir.
  5. Kashmiri students detained in Delhi: A group of Kashmiri students were detained by the Delhi Police for allegedly participating in anti-India protests and hoisting the Pakistani flag.

International Reaction:

  1. UN calls for restraint in Kashmir: The United Nations has called for restraint and dialogue to resolve the Kashmir dispute, urging both India and Pakistan to respect human rights and international law.
  2. US State Department expresses concern: The US State Department has expressed concern over the situation in Kashmir, calling for a peaceful resolution and respect for human rights.
  3. European Union urges dialogue: The European Union has urged India and Pakistan to engage in dialogue to resolve the Kashmir dispute, emphasizing the need for a peaceful and diplomatic solution.

Humanitarian Crisis:

  1. Kashmiri civilians affected by lockdown: The lockdown in Kashmir has had a significant impact on the local population, with many civilians struggling to access basic necessities like food, medicine, and healthcare.
  2. Humanitarian aid reaches Kashmir: International organizations and NGOs have been working to provide humanitarian aid to the people of Kashmir, including food, shelter, and medical assistance.

These are just a few of the recent news updates from Kashmir, India. The situation in the region remains complex and sensitive, with ongoing tensions between India and Pakistan, and a humanitarian crisis affecting the local population.