Independent news ireland

Here are some independent news sources in Ireland:

  1. The Irish Times: While not entirely independent, The Irish Times is a leading national newspaper that is known for its in-depth reporting and analysis.
  2. The Irish Examiner: A Cork-based newspaper that covers national and local news, with a focus on investigative reporting.
  3. The An online news site that covers a wide range of topics, including politics, business, and lifestyle.
  4. The Phoenix: A weekly news magazine that covers politics, social issues, and culture.
  5. Village Magazine: A monthly magazine that covers politics, social issues, and culture, with a focus on progressive and left-wing perspectives.
  6. The Dublin Inquirer: A free, independent newspaper that covers news and issues affecting Dublin and its communities.
  7. The Cork Independent: A weekly newspaper that covers news and issues affecting Cork and its surrounding areas.
  8. The Galway Advertiser: A weekly newspaper that covers news and issues affecting Galway and its surrounding areas.
  9. The Limerick Leader: A weekly newspaper that covers news and issues affecting Limerick and its surrounding areas.
  10. The Western People: A weekly newspaper that covers news and issues affecting Mayo and its surrounding areas.

Online news sources:

  1. A news and opinion website that covers a wide range of topics, including politics, business, and lifestyle.
  2. The Daily Edge: A news and entertainment website that covers pop culture, music, and lifestyle.
  3. The Hard Rain: A news and opinion website that covers politics, social issues, and culture.
  4. The Left Flip: A news and opinion website that covers politics, social issues, and culture from a left-wing perspective.
  5. The Green News: A news and opinion website that covers environmental and sustainability issues.

It's worth noting that while these sources are independent, they may still have biases or perspectives that influence their reporting. It's always a good idea to seek out multiple sources and perspectives to get a well-rounded understanding of a particular issue or topic.