Independent catholic news

Here are some independent Catholic news sources:

  1. Catholic News Agency (CNA): A leading independent Catholic news agency that provides news and commentary on Catholic issues.
  2. National Catholic Register: A weekly newspaper that covers news, analysis, and commentary on Catholic issues.
  3. The Catholic Thing: A daily online publication that provides news, commentary, and analysis on Catholic issues.
  4. Crisis Magazine: A monthly magazine that covers news, analysis, and commentary on Catholic issues, with a focus on the intersection of faith and culture.
  5. The Wanderer: A weekly newspaper that covers news, analysis, and commentary on Catholic issues, with a focus on traditional Catholicism.
  6. EWTN News: The news division of the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN), which provides news and commentary on Catholic issues.
  7. Zenit: A daily online publication that provides news, analysis, and commentary on Catholic issues, with a focus on the Vatican and international Catholic news.
  8. Catholic World Report: A monthly magazine that covers news, analysis, and commentary on Catholic issues, with a focus on international Catholic news.
  9. The Tablet: A weekly newspaper that covers news, analysis, and commentary on Catholic issues, with a focus on the Catholic Church in the UK and internationally.
  10. La Stampa: An Italian daily newspaper that covers news, analysis, and commentary on Catholic issues, with a focus on the Vatican and international Catholic news.

These sources provide a range of perspectives and coverage on Catholic issues, and are not affiliated with any particular diocese or bishop.