Incoming breaker symbol

You're referring to the "Caution: Incoming Breaker" symbol!

This symbol is often used in various contexts, including:

  1. Construction and Demolition: It warns workers of an impending demolition or breaking of a structure, indicating the need for caution and safety measures.
  2. Electrical Work: It alerts electricians and others working with electrical systems to be aware of an incoming breaker or circuit breaker that may be about to trip or shut off power.
  3. Shipping and Logistics: It may be used on packages or cargo to indicate that the contents are fragile or require special handling to avoid damage during transportation.

The symbol typically consists of a red circle with a white or yellow background, featuring a stylized image of a breaker or a hammer striking a breaker. Its purpose is to grab attention and emphasize the importance of taking necessary precautions to avoid accidents or damage.