In parting shot at israel kerry warns middle east peace in jeopardy

You're referring to the statement made by John Kerry, the former US Secretary of State, on December 28, 2016, during a farewell visit to Israel.

In his parting shot, Kerry warned that the Middle East peace process was in jeopardy due to Israeli settlement expansion and the lack of a two-state solution. He stated that the continued construction of settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem was "undermining" the prospects for a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Kerry's remarks were seen as a strong rebuke to the Israeli government, which has been criticized for its settlement policies. The US has traditionally been a strong supporter of Israel, but Kerry's statement reflected a growing frustration among some in the US government with Israel's actions.

In his speech, Kerry also emphasized the importance of a two-state solution, which has been the cornerstone of US policy on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for decades. He warned that the failure to achieve a two-state solution would lead to a "one-state reality" in which the rights of Palestinians would be eroded.

Kerry's remarks were met with strong criticism from the Israeli government, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu calling them "unbalanced" and "unfair." The Israeli government has long argued that the settlements are a legitimate expression of its sovereignty over the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and that they do not pose a significant obstacle to peace.

Despite the controversy, Kerry's statement reflected a growing concern among many in the international community about the prospects for a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The issue remains one of the most intractable and contentious in the Middle East, and it continues to pose a significant challenge to regional stability and security.