In battered town seized from is iraqs yazidis dream of return

The article is likely referring to the Yazidi community's desire to return to their ancestral homeland, which was seized by the Islamic State (ISIS) in 2014. The Yazidis are a religious minority group who have been persecuted and displaced by ISIS.

The town of Sinjar, which is located in the Nineveh Governorate of Iraq, was a major hub for the Yazidi community before it was seized by ISIS. The town was home to many Yazidi families, and it was a center of Yazidi culture and identity.

In 2014, ISIS launched a brutal attack on Sinjar, killing thousands of Yazidis and forcing many more to flee. The Yazidis were subjected to genocide, rape, and other forms of violence and persecution. Many Yazidis were forced to flee to neighboring countries, such as Turkey and Syria, or to refugee camps in Iraq.

Since then, the Yazidis have been working to rebuild their community and to return to their ancestral homeland. However, the process has been slow and difficult, due to the ongoing conflict in Iraq and the lack of resources and support.

The article likely highlights the challenges and obstacles that the Yazidis face in their efforts to return to Sinjar and to rebuild their community. It may also discuss the efforts of international organizations and governments to support the Yazidis and to help them rebuild their lives.

Some possible quotes from the article could include:

Overall, the article likely highlights the resilience and determination of the Yazidi community in the face of adversity, and the importance of international support and cooperation in helping them to rebuild and to recover.