Imran khan pakistan news

Imran Khan is the current Prime Minister of Pakistan, and there have been many news stories about him and his government. Here are some recent news articles and updates about Imran Khan and Pakistan:

Recent News Articles:

  1. "Imran Khan's Pakistan faces economic crisis as currency plummets" - The Guardian (March 2023)
  2. "Pakistan's Imran Khan says he will not resign as PM despite protests" - Al Jazeera (February 2023)
  3. "Imran Khan's Pakistan faces diplomatic isolation over Kashmir dispute" - The Times of India (January 2023)
  4. "Pakistan's Imran Khan says he will not compromise on Kashmir issue" - Dawn (December 2022)
  5. "Imran Khan's Pakistan faces criticism over handling of COVID-19 pandemic" - The New York Times (November 2022)

Recent Updates:

  1. Imran Khan's government has been facing criticism over the country's economic crisis, with the Pakistani rupee hitting a record low against the US dollar.
  2. The government has also been facing protests and demonstrations over issues such as inflation, power outages, and corruption.
  3. Imran Khan has been at odds with the opposition parties, which have been demanding his resignation over allegations of corruption and mismanagement.
  4. The government has also been facing diplomatic isolation over the Kashmir dispute, with many countries, including the United States, India, and the European Union, expressing concerns over the situation.
  5. Imran Khan has been facing criticism over his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, with many experts and opposition parties accusing him of being slow to respond to the crisis.

Upcoming Events:

  1. Imran Khan is expected to address the nation on the economic crisis and the government's plans to address it.
  2. The opposition parties are planning to hold a mass rally in Islamabad to demand Imran Khan's resignation.
  3. The government is expected to present its budget for the next fiscal year, which is expected to be a challenging task given the country's economic situation.

Recent Speeches:

  1. Imran Khan's speech at the Pakistan Day celebrations, where he emphasized the need for national unity and cooperation to address the country's challenges.
  2. Imran Khan's speech at the National Assembly, where he defended his government's policies and accused the opposition parties of being corrupt and incompetent.

Recent Interviews:

  1. Imran Khan's interview with a local TV channel, where he discussed the country's economic crisis and the government's plans to address it.
  2. Imran Khan's interview with a foreign news agency, where he discussed the Kashmir dispute and the government's stance on the issue.

I hope this information is helpful.