Imran khan news

Imran Khan is a Pakistani politician and the 22nd and current Prime Minister of Pakistan. Here are some recent news updates about him:

Recent News:

  1. Imran Khan's government faces criticism over handling of economy: Pakistan's economy is facing a severe crisis, with a growing trade deficit, high inflation, and a depreciating currency. The opposition parties have been criticizing the government's handling of the economy, and Imran Khan has been defending his government's policies.
  2. Imran Khan's party wins by-elections in Punjab: Imran Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party won several by-elections in Punjab province, which is seen as a boost to the government's popularity.
  3. Imran Khan meets with Saudi Crown Prince: Imran Khan met with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Islamabad, where they discussed issues related to trade, energy, and security.
  4. Imran Khan's government faces criticism over handling of COVID-19 pandemic: Pakistan has been struggling to contain the spread of COVID-19, and the government has been criticized for its handling of the pandemic. Imran Khan has been defending his government's policies, saying that they are doing their best to combat the virus.
  5. Imran Khan's party faces internal rifts: There have been reports of internal rifts within Imran Khan's PTI party, with some members criticizing the government's policies and others supporting the prime minister.

Recent Quotes:

  1. On the economy: "We are not going to compromise on our economic policies. We will not take any step that will harm the economy."
  2. On the opposition: "The opposition is trying to create chaos and instability in the country. We will not let them succeed."
  3. On the COVID-19 pandemic: "We are doing our best to combat the pandemic. We will not let it spread in the country."
  4. On the Saudi Crown Prince: "I have a very good relationship with the Crown Prince. We discussed issues related to trade and energy."
  5. On his party's performance: "We are proud of our party's performance. We have won several by-elections and are confident of winning the next general elections."

Recent Interviews:

  1. Interview with Geo News: Imran Khan gave an interview to Geo News, where he discussed the economy, the opposition, and the COVID-19 pandemic.
  2. Interview with ARY News: Imran Khan gave an interview to ARY News, where he discussed the government's policies and the opposition's criticism.
  3. Interview with Dawn News: Imran Khan gave an interview to Dawn News, where he discussed the economy, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the government's plans for the future.