Imran khan claims victory in pakistan elections

Imran Khan, the chairman of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party, has claimed victory in the 2018 Pakistani general elections. The elections were held on July 25, 2018, and the results were announced on July 26, 2018.

According to the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP), the PTI won 156 seats in the National Assembly, which is the lower house of the Parliament of Pakistan. The Pakistan Muslim League (N) (PML-N), which was the ruling party at the time, won 64 seats, while the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) won 43 seats.

Imran Khan, who is a former cricketer and philanthropist, has been a vocal critic of the country's political establishment and has promised to bring about change and reform if elected. He has also been a strong advocate for the creation of a new Pakistan, which he believes will be a more just and equitable society.

The elections were marred by allegations of rigging and irregularities, with both the PML-N and the PPP claiming that the polls were not free and fair. The ECP has denied these allegations, but the controversy has led to widespread protests and unrest in the country.

Despite the controversy, Imran Khan has been hailed as a hero by many Pakistanis, who see him as a symbol of change and a chance for the country to break free from the corruption and nepotism that has plagued it for decades.