Impatient fans dont know what teen striker parrott looks like says mourinho

It seems like Jose Mourinho is trying to deflect attention from his team's performance by making a humorous comment about impatient fans not knowing what Troy Parrott looks like!

For those who might not know, Troy Parrott is a young Irish striker who plays for Tottenham Hotspur. He's been making waves in the football world with his impressive skills on the pitch.

Mourinho's comment is likely a lighthearted way of saying that fans might be getting too worked up about the team's performance, and that they should focus on the players' abilities rather than their appearances.

It's also possible that Mourinho is trying to downplay the pressure on Parrott, who is still a young player and might be feeling the weight of expectation on his shoulders.

Overall, Mourinho's comment is a clever way to diffuse tension and bring some humor to the situation!