Imo who is reviewing supreme court judgment

In India, the review of a Supreme Court judgment is done by the Supreme Court itself, through a process called "Review Petition" or "Review and Reconsideration".

Here's how it works:

  1. Grounds for review: The party that lost the case (the respondent) can file a review petition within 30 days from the date of the judgment, citing specific grounds for review. The grounds must be based on new or additional evidence that was not available at the time of the original hearing.
  2. Review petition: The review petition is filed with the Supreme Court, which then decides whether to accept or reject the petition.
  3. Acceptance of review petition: If the review petition is accepted, the Supreme Court will hear the matter again, and the parties will have to present their arguments once more.
  4. Reconsideration: The Supreme Court will then reconsider its earlier judgment and may modify or set aside the original judgment, or affirm it.
  5. Finality: The review process is usually a one-time opportunity. If the review petition is rejected or the judgment is affirmed, the decision becomes final and binding.

It's worth noting that the Supreme Court has the discretion to accept or reject a review petition, and the review process is not a guarantee of a different outcome.