Imo payment for contracts didnt pass through my ministry ex finance commissioner

It seems like you're saying that you're the former Finance Commissioner of a ministry, and you're stating that payments for contracts did not pass through your ministry. Here's a breakdown of what you've said:

To better understand your concern, could you please provide more context or clarify the following:

  1. What type of contracts are we talking about? Are they government contracts, or are they related to a specific project or department?
  2. Can you provide more information about the payments that allegedly did not pass through your ministry? Were they large sums of money, or were they routine payments?
  3. Do you have any evidence or documentation to support your claim that payments did not pass through your ministry?
  4. What was your role as the Finance Commissioner, and did you have any oversight or authority over the payment process?

I'm here to help you clarify your concerns and provide guidance on how to address any issues you may be facing.