Immunity for lawmakers will leave buharis anti corruption agenda in tatters

A very timely and relevant topic!

You're referring to the recent controversy surrounding the proposed immunity clause for lawmakers in Nigeria, which has sparked concerns about the impact on President Muhammadu Buhari's anti-corruption agenda.

For those who may not be aware, the proposed clause seeks to grant lawmakers immunity from prosecution for any crimes they may have committed while in office. This has been met with widespread criticism from civil society organizations, anti-corruption groups, and many Nigerians, who argue that it would undermine the fight against corruption and create a culture of impunity.

Here are some reasons why the proposed immunity clause could leave Buhari's anti-corruption agenda in tatters:

  1. Undermining the rule of law: By granting lawmakers immunity, the government would be sending a message that some individuals are above the law. This would undermine the rule of law and create a culture of impunity, where those in power feel they can act with impunity.
  2. Perpetuating corruption: Immunity would provide a safe haven for corrupt lawmakers to continue their nefarious activities without fear of prosecution. This would perpetuate corruption and undermine the government's efforts to combat it.
  3. Eroding public trust: The proposed immunity clause would erode public trust in the government and the anti-corruption efforts. If lawmakers are granted immunity, it would be seen as a clear indication that the government is more interested in protecting its own interests than in fighting corruption.
  4. Contradicting Buhari's anti-corruption stance: President Buhari has been a vocal advocate for anti-corruption efforts and has made significant progress in this area. The proposed immunity clause would contradict his stance and undermine his credibility as a champion of anti-corruption.
  5. Setting a bad precedent: If the proposed immunity clause is passed, it would set a bad precedent for future governments. It would create a culture of impunity, where lawmakers feel they can act with impunity and that the law will not apply to them.

In conclusion, the proposed immunity clause for lawmakers in Nigeria is a step backward for the country's anti-corruption efforts and would undermine President Buhari's agenda. It is essential that the government reconsider this proposal and prioritize the rule of law, transparency, and accountability.