Immigration news update

Here's an update on recent immigration news:

US Immigration

  1. DACA Renewals: The US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has announced that it will resume accepting renewal applications for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which was previously suspended.
  2. Travel Ban: The US Supreme Court has upheld the Trump administration's travel ban, which restricts travel to the US from several predominantly Muslim countries.
  3. Border Wall: The US-Mexico border wall construction has resumed, with the US government allocating $1.4 billion for the project.
  4. Asylum Seekers: The US government has announced plans to implement a new rule that would deny asylum to migrants who pass through other countries before reaching the US.

Global Immigration

  1. UK Immigration: The UK government has announced plans to introduce a new points-based immigration system, which will prioritize skilled workers and reduce the number of low-skilled migrants.
  2. EU Immigration: The European Union has agreed to a new immigration deal with Turkey, which aims to reduce the number of migrants entering the EU.
  3. Australia Immigration: Australia has introduced a new skilled migration program, which will prioritize occupations in high demand and reduce the number of places available for family members.
  4. Canada Immigration: Canada has announced plans to increase its immigration targets, aiming to welcome over 1 million new permanent residents by 2024.

Refugee Crisis

  1. Syrian Refugee Crisis: The Syrian refugee crisis continues, with over 6 million Syrians displaced and seeking asylum in other countries.
  2. Venezuelan Refugee Crisis: The Venezuelan refugee crisis has worsened, with over 4 million Venezuelans fleeing the country due to political instability and economic crisis.
  3. Refugee Resettlement: The US government has announced plans to reduce the number of refugees resettled in the US, from 110,000 to 18,000 per year.

Other Immigration News

  1. ICE Raids: US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has conducted several high-profile raids, targeting undocumented immigrants and sparking controversy.
  2. Immigration Reform: Efforts to pass comprehensive immigration reform in the US Congress have stalled, with lawmakers unable to agree on a bill.
  3. State Immigration Laws: Several US states have introduced or passed immigration laws, including Arizona's SB 1070 and California's AB 450.

These are just a few of the latest developments in the world of immigration news. If you have any specific questions or would like more information on a particular topic, feel free to ask!