Immigration current news

Here are some current news stories related to immigration:

US Immigration

  1. Border Wall Funding: The US government has allocated $1.4 billion for the construction of a border wall along the US-Mexico border, despite opposition from Democrats and some Republicans.
  2. Asylum Seekers: The Trump administration has implemented a "safe third country" agreement with Guatemala, which requires asylum seekers to apply for asylum in Guatemala instead of the US.
  3. DACA Recipients: The Supreme Court has ruled that the Trump administration's decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program was unlawful, allowing thousands of young immigrants to remain in the US.
  4. Family Separation: The US government has faced criticism for its policy of separating migrant families at the border, with some children being held in detention centers for months.

Global Immigration

  1. Refugee Crisis: The global refugee crisis continues to worsen, with over 70 million people displaced worldwide, according to the United Nations.
  2. Brexit and Immigration: The UK's departure from the European Union (Brexit) has raised concerns about the impact on immigration policies and the rights of EU citizens living in the UK.
  3. Australia's Asylum Seeker Policy: Australia has faced criticism for its offshore detention centers for asylum seekers, with reports of human rights abuses and mental health issues.
  4. Canada's Immigration Policy: Canada has introduced a new immigration plan aimed at attracting 1 million new permanent residents over the next three years, with a focus on skilled workers and family reunification.

Recent Developments

  1. US-Mexico Trade Deal: The US and Mexico have reached a new trade deal, which includes provisions related to immigration and border security.
  2. European Union's Migration Policy: The European Union has agreed on a new migration policy, which includes plans to increase cooperation with African countries to stem the flow of migrants.
  3. Australia's Election: The Australian election has seen immigration become a key issue, with the opposition party promising to increase refugee intake and the government promising to maintain its tough stance on asylum seekers.
  4. UN Migration Compact: The United Nations has adopted a global compact on migration, which aims to promote cooperation and responsibility-sharing among countries to manage migration.

These are just a few examples of current news stories related to immigration. If you're looking for more information or specific updates on a particular country or issue, feel free to ask!