Imf says nigerias economy likely shrink year

According to a recent report by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Nigeria's economy is expected to shrink in 2023. The IMF has revised its growth forecast for Nigeria, predicting that the country's economy will contract by 2.5% in 2023, due to a combination of factors including:

  1. Fiscal challenges: Nigeria's government is facing significant fiscal challenges, including a large budget deficit and high debt levels.
  2. External shocks: The country is also vulnerable to external shocks, such as a decline in oil prices and a slowdown in global trade.
  3. Security concerns: Ongoing security challenges, including terrorism and banditry, are also affecting the country's economic growth.

The IMF's revised forecast is a significant downgrade from its previous prediction of 2.1% growth in 2023. The organization has also warned that Nigeria's economy is at risk of falling into a recession if the country fails to address its fiscal and structural challenges.

The Nigerian government has been working to address these challenges, including implementing fiscal reforms and increasing revenue through measures such as increasing taxes and improving the efficiency of government spending. However, the country still faces significant challenges in terms of improving its business environment, increasing investment, and reducing corruption.

It's worth noting that the IMF's forecast is not the only one, and other organizations, such as the World Bank and the African Development Bank, have also made similar predictions about Nigeria's economy.