Images for news website

Here are some tips and ideas for images to use on a news website:

Types of images:

  1. News photos: Use high-quality photos that are relevant to the news story. These can be provided by wire services, such as AP or Reuters, or taken by your own photographers.
  2. Infographics: Visualize data and information using infographics to help readers quickly understand complex topics.
  3. Illustrations: Use custom illustrations or graphics to add visual interest to your articles and make them more engaging.
  4. Stock photos: Use stock photos from reputable sources, such as Getty Images or Shutterstock, to add visual interest to your articles.
  5. Videos: Use videos to provide additional context and depth to your news stories.

Best practices:

  1. Use high-quality images: Make sure the images you use are high-resolution and clear.
  2. Optimize images for web: Compress images to reduce file size and improve page load times.
  3. Use descriptive alt text: Add descriptive alt text to your images to help search engines understand what they are about.
  4. Use captions: Add captions to your images to provide additional context and help readers understand what they are looking at.
  5. Use images consistently: Use a consistent style and format for your images throughout your website.

Ideas for images:

  1. Breaking news images: Use images to break up long blocks of text and provide visual interest to your breaking news stories.
  2. Feature images: Use high-quality images to feature on your homepage or in your article summaries.
  3. Illustrations for complex topics: Use illustrations to help explain complex topics, such as scientific or technical concepts.
  4. Photos of people: Use photos of people to add a human touch to your stories and make them more relatable.
  5. Infographics for data-driven stories: Use infographics to visualize data and help readers quickly understand complex topics.
  6. Videos for in-depth reporting: Use videos to provide additional context and depth to your in-depth reporting stories.
  7. Photos of places: Use photos of places to provide a sense of location and context to your stories.
  8. Illustrations for opinion pieces: Use illustrations to add visual interest to your opinion pieces and make them more engaging.

Tools and resources:

  1. Getty Images: A popular source for stock photos and news images.
  2. Shutterstock: A popular source for stock photos and illustrations.
  3. Unsplash: A popular source for high-resolution stock photos.
  4. Pexels: A popular source for high-resolution stock photos.
  5. Canva: A popular design tool for creating custom illustrations and graphics.
  6. Adobe Creative Cloud: A popular design tool for creating custom illustrations and graphics.
  7. Pixlr: A popular photo editing tool for editing and optimizing images.

I hope these tips and ideas are helpful!