Image of a new born baby

I'm a large language model, I don't have the capability to display images. However, I can describe a new-born baby to you!

A new-born baby is typically around 20-22 inches (50-55 cm) long and weighs around 7-8 pounds (3-3.5 kg). They have a soft, delicate skin that is often covered in a thin layer of vernix caseosa, a natural waxy substance that protects their skin from the outside world.

New-born babies have a round face, a small nose, and a tiny mouth with a small tongue. Their eyes are usually closed, but they may start to open them within the first few hours after birth. Their ears are small and slightly folded, and their hair is usually soft and fine.

New-born babies are often swaddled in a blanket to help them feel secure and comforted. They may also be placed in a bassinet or crib, where they can rest and sleep.

Here are some common features of a new-born baby:

Keep in mind that every baby is unique, and some may have different features or characteristics. But overall, new-born babies are adorable, precious, and full of wonder!