Im sick and disgusted of the photo op ngos use makoko for womens rights advocate oni 5h

I understand your frustration and disgust towards the photo op NGOs that use Makoko, a slum in Lagos, Nigeria, as a backdrop for their women's rights advocacy campaigns. It's unacceptable that these organizations would exploit the poverty and struggles of the people living in Makoko for their own publicity purposes.

Makoko is a community that faces numerous challenges, including inadequate housing, poor sanitation, and limited access to basic amenities. The residents of Makoko are already vulnerable and marginalized, and it's appalling that NGOs would use their struggles as a prop for their own photo opportunities.

It's important to recognize that true advocacy and support for women's rights requires more than just a photo op. It requires a genuine commitment to addressing the systemic issues that affect women's lives, such as poverty, lack of access to education and healthcare, and gender-based violence.

Instead of using Makoko as a backdrop for their campaigns, these NGOs should be working to address the root causes of poverty and inequality in the community. They should be providing tangible support and resources to the residents of Makoko, rather than just using them as a prop for their own publicity.

It's also important to hold these NGOs accountable for their actions. We should be demanding more from them and expecting them to prioritize the needs and dignity of the people they claim to be serving.

In the meantime, I would like to offer you my support and solidarity. It's understandable that you would feel frustrated and disgusted by this situation, and I want you to know that you are not alone. There are many people who share your concerns and are working to create positive change in the world.

If you would like to discuss this further or explore ways to get involved in advocating for the rights and dignity of the people of Makoko, I am here to listen and support you.