Ilorin information news

Here are some recent news and information about Ilorin, the capital city of Kwara State in Nigeria:


  1. Ilorin to host 2023 National Festival of Arts and Culture: The Federal Ministry of Information and Culture has announced that Ilorin will host the 2023 National Festival of Arts and Culture, which is expected to attract artists and performers from across the country. (Source: The Nation)
  2. Kwara State Government approves N1.5 billion for road construction: The Kwara State Government has approved N1.5 billion for the construction of roads in Ilorin and other parts of the state. The project is expected to improve transportation and reduce traffic congestion in the city. (Source: Leadership)
  3. Ilorin Polytechnic gets new Rector: The Kwara State Government has appointed a new Rector for the Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin. The new Rector, Dr. Mas'ud Abubakar, is a professor of Electrical Engineering and has promised to improve the institution's infrastructure and academic standards. (Source: The Punch)


  1. Ilorin is the capital city of Kwara State: Ilorin is the capital city of Kwara State, located in the north-central region of Nigeria. It is the largest city in the state and has a population of over 1 million people.
  2. Ilorin is known for its rich cultural heritage: Ilorin is known for its rich cultural heritage, which is a blend of Yoruba and Fulani cultures. The city is home to many traditional festivals and cultural events throughout the year.
  3. Ilorin is a major commercial center: Ilorin is a major commercial center in Nigeria, with a thriving market for goods and services. The city is also home to many industries, including textiles, food processing, and manufacturing.
  4. Ilorin has a number of educational institutions: Ilorin is home to several educational institutions, including the University of Ilorin, Kwara State Polytechnic, and several colleges and secondary schools.
  5. Ilorin has a number of tourist attractions: Ilorin has a number of tourist attractions, including the Ilorin Emirate Museum, the Kwara State Government House, and the ancient city of Esie, which is known for its ancient rock carvings.

I hope this information is helpful!