Ill health stalls metuh trial

It appears that the trial of Olisah Metuh, a former National Publicity Secretary of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), has been stalled due to ill health.

According to reports, Metuh's lawyer, Onyechi Ikpeazu (SAN), informed the court that his client was not feeling well and was unable to attend the trial. The court subsequently adjourned the case to a later date to allow Metuh to recover.

Metuh is facing a seven-count charge of money laundering and illegal possession of firearms, among other allegations. He has been in custody since 2016 and has been denied bail on several occasions.

It is not uncommon for trials to be delayed or adjourned due to various reasons, including the health of the accused or witnesses. In this case, Metuh's ill health has stalled the trial, and it remains to be seen when the case will resume.

It's worth noting that Metuh's trial has been ongoing for several years, and there have been several adjournments and delays. The case has been marked by controversy and allegations of political persecution, with Metuh's supporters claiming that he is being targeted by the government for his political beliefs.