Iium news

I'm assuming you meant "IUM News"!

IUM stands for International University of Monaco, a private university located in the Principality of Monaco. Here are some recent news articles and updates from IUM:

Recent News

  1. IUM launches new Master's program in Sustainable Finance: The university has introduced a new Master's program in Sustainable Finance, designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate the growing field of sustainable finance. (Source: IUM website)
  2. IUM partners with the Monaco Government to promote entrepreneurship: The university has partnered with the Government of Monaco to promote entrepreneurship and innovation in the country. The partnership aims to support start-ups and small businesses in Monaco. (Source: Monaco Government website)
  3. IUM students win international business competition: A team of IUM students won the "Best Business Plan" award at the International Business Plan Competition, held in Paris. The competition attracted teams from universities around the world. (Source: IUM website)

Upcoming Events

  1. IUM's 30th Anniversary Celebration: The university is celebrating its 30th anniversary with a series of events, including a gala dinner and a conference on "The Future of Business Education". (Source: IUM website)
  2. IUM's International Business Week: The university is hosting its annual International Business Week, featuring lectures, workshops, and networking opportunities with industry professionals. (Source: IUM website)

Research and Academics

  1. IUM publishes research on sustainable tourism: A team of IUM researchers has published a study on sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean region, highlighting the importance of sustainable tourism practices for the region's economic and environmental development. (Source: IUM website)
  2. IUM launches new research center on fintech: The university has launched a new research center focused on fintech, with the aim of exploring the intersection of finance and technology. (Source: IUM website)

These are just a few examples of the latest news and updates from IUM. If you're interested in learning more, I recommend visiting the university's website or following them on social media!