Igp decries mix up of security political issues

It seems like you're referring to a news article or statement made by the Inspector-General of Police (IGP) in Nigeria. The IGP has expressed concern over the mix-up of security and political issues in the country.

Here's a possible summary:

The Inspector-General of Police (IGP) has lamented the tendency to mix up security and political issues in Nigeria. According to the IGP, this mix-up has led to a lack of clarity and has hindered the effective discharge of the police's duties. The IGP emphasized that security issues should be treated as separate from political issues, and that the police should be allowed to focus on maintaining law and order without being swayed by political considerations.

The IGP's statement is likely a response to recent events in Nigeria where security issues have been politicized, leading to confusion and mistrust among the public. The IGP's call for a clear distinction between security and political issues is aimed at restoring public confidence in the police and ensuring that the country's security is not compromised.

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