Ignored invitation i dont owe anyone apology igp replies senate

It seems like you're referring to a recent news article or controversy involving the Igbo People's Publicity Secretary, Okorie, and the Senate.

For those who may not be aware, Okorie was invited by the Senate to appear before it to clarify some issues, but he allegedly ignored the invitation. In response, the Senate has asked him to apologize for his actions.

However, Okorie has refused to apologize, stating that he doesn't owe anyone an apology. He believes that he was not obligated to appear before the Senate and that his actions were justified.

This controversy has sparked a lot of debate and discussion, with many people weighing in on the issue. Some have argued that Okorie's actions were disrespectful and that he should apologize for ignoring the Senate's invitation. Others have defended Okorie, saying that he has the right to refuse to appear before the Senate and that he doesn't owe anyone an apology.

What are your thoughts on this controversy? Do you think Okorie should apologize for ignoring the Senate's invitation, or do you believe that he has the right to refuse to appear before the Senate?