Igbere biafra news

Igbo Biafra news refers to news and updates related to the Biafran people, who are an ethnic group from southeastern Nigeria. Here are some recent news updates:

Biafra News

  1. Nnamdi Kanu's Trial: The leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Nnamdi Kanu, is facing trial for treasonable felony. His trial has been adjourned several times due to various reasons, including the COVID-19 pandemic.
  2. Biafra Day Celebrations: The Biafran people celebrate May 30th as Biafra Day to commemorate the declaration of the Republic of Biafra in 1967. This year's celebrations were marked by protests and rallies across Nigeria and abroad.
  3. IPOB's Sit-at-Home Order: IPOB has been issuing sit-at-home orders in the southeastern states of Nigeria, which have been met with varying degrees of compliance. The orders are aimed at protesting against the Nigerian government's alleged human rights abuses and demanding independence for Biafra.
  4. Military Crackdown: The Nigerian military has been accused of cracking down on Biafran protesters and activists, leading to reports of human rights abuses and fatalities.
  5. International Support: The Biafran cause has gained international attention, with some countries and organizations expressing support for the group's demands for self-determination.

Recent Developments

  1. Nigerian Government's Response: The Nigerian government has been accused of using force to quell the Biafran protests and has also been criticized for its handling of the crisis.
  2. International Community's Response: The international community has been divided on the issue, with some countries calling for restraint and dialogue, while others have expressed support for the Nigerian government's actions.
  3. Economic Impact: The crisis has had a significant economic impact on the southeastern states of Nigeria, with many businesses and industries affected by the protests and sit-at-home orders.


  1. BBC News: BBC News has been reporting on the Biafran crisis, providing updates on the protests, trials, and military crackdown.
  2. Al Jazeera: Al Jazeera has also been covering the crisis, with a focus on the human rights implications and international reactions.
  3. The Guardian: The Guardian has been reporting on the crisis, with a focus on the economic and political implications.
  4. IPOB Official Website: The IPOB official website provides updates on the group's activities, including protests and sit-at-home orders.

Please note that the information provided is based on publicly available sources and may not reflect the views of all parties involved in the crisis.