Ifp appalled by home affairs long queues

I think you meant to say "IFP appalled by Home Affairs long queues"!

The Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) is a political party in South Africa, and it seems they have expressed their disappointment and frustration with the long queues at the Department of Home Affairs.

Long queues at Home Affairs are a common issue in South Africa, and many people have to wait for hours or even days to complete their transactions, such as applying for passports, IDs, or visas. The IFP's criticism is likely due to the inconvenience and frustration caused by these queues, which can be a significant burden for citizens and residents.

It's possible that the IFP is calling for improvements to the Home Affairs system, such as increased staffing, modernization of processes, or better management of queues, to make it easier and more efficient for people to access these essential services.