If you must beg beg govt not individuals emir sanusi tells beggars

A interesting quote!

Emir Sanusi, the Emir of Kano, has made a statement that has sparked controversy in Nigeria. He said that if people must beg, they should beg the government, not individuals. Here's the full quote:

"If you must beg, beg the government, not individuals. The government is responsible for your well-being, not individuals. If you are hungry, go to the government, not to me or to any individual. The government is responsible for your education, your healthcare, your infrastructure, your security. If you are not getting these things, it is because the government is not doing its job."

Emir Sanusi's statement is a call to action for the government to take responsibility for the welfare of its citizens, rather than relying on individuals to provide for those in need. He is emphasizing that the government has a duty to provide basic necessities like food, education, healthcare, and infrastructure, and that individuals should not be expected to fill the gaps.

While some people have praised Emir Sanusi for his bold statement, others have criticized him for being unrealistic and insensitive to the plight of those who are struggling to make ends meet. Some have argued that individuals, including wealthy Nigerians, have a moral obligation to help those in need, regardless of what the government is doing.

What do you think? Do you agree with Emir Sanusi's statement, or do you think individuals have a role to play in helping those in need?