If it was man city 25 points clear nobody would care handing liverpool the title would feel wrong says merson

A classic Paul Merson quote!

Indeed, if Manchester City were 25 points clear at the top of the Premier League table, it's likely that the title race would be all but over, and Liverpool's chances of winning the title would be slim to none.

Merson's point is that, in such a scenario, handing the title to Liverpool would indeed feel wrong, as City would have a commanding lead and would likely win the title comfortably. It would be like giving someone a trophy without them having to earn it.

Merson's quote is likely a reflection of the intense rivalry between Manchester City and Liverpool, as well as the desire for a competitive and fair title race. He's essentially saying that, if City are dominating the league, it's only fair that they win the title, rather than Liverpool being handed it on a plate.

Of course, this is all hypothetical, as we're not in a situation where City are 25 points clear. But it's an interesting perspective from Merson, and one that highlights the importance of competition and fairness in sports.