Ielts news

Here are some recent news and updates related to IELTS:

New IELTS Test Format

In 2020, IELTS introduced a new test format, which includes a 30-minute speaking test and a 60-minute writing test. The new format aims to provide a more comprehensive assessment of test-takers' language skills.

IELTS Test Dates and Centers

IELTS test dates and centers are available worldwide. You can check the official IELTS website for test dates and centers in your area.

IELTS Score Requirements

Many universities and colleges require a minimum IELTS score for admission. The score requirements vary depending on the institution and program. You can check the score requirements for your desired institution on their website.

IELTS Preparation Materials

There are many resources available to help you prepare for the IELTS test, including study materials, practice tests, and online courses. Some popular resources include:

IELTS Test-Taker Statistics

According to the IELTS website, over 3 million test-takers took the IELTS test in 2020. The top 5 countries for IELTS test-takers are China, India, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Indonesia.


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many IELTS test centers have been closed or operating with reduced capacity. However, many test centers have resumed testing, and some have introduced new measures to ensure the safety of test-takers, such as social distancing and mask-wearing.

IELTS and University Admissions

Many universities and colleges require IELTS scores as part of their admission process. In fact, over 10,000 universities and colleges worldwide accept IELTS scores. You can check the IELTS website for a list of universities that accept IELTS scores.

IELTS and Job Applications

IELTS scores are also required for many job applications, particularly in fields such as business, engineering, and healthcare. Some employers require a minimum IELTS score of 6.0 or 7.0, depending on the job requirements.

I hope this information is helpful!