Idlib before the war carpets olives and handcrafts

Idlib, a governorate in northwestern Syria, was known for its rich cultural heritage and traditional industries before the war. Here are some examples of the region's traditional crafts and products:

  1. Handmade Carpets: Idlib was famous for its high-quality handmade carpets, which were woven by skilled artisans using traditional techniques. The carpets were made from wool and were known for their intricate designs, vibrant colors, and durability.
  2. Olive Oil: Idlib is situated in a region with a long history of olive cultivation, and olive oil production was a significant industry in the area. The region's olive oil was renowned for its high quality and was exported to other parts of Syria and the Middle East.
  3. Handcrafts: Idlib was home to many skilled artisans who specialized in traditional crafts such as:
    • Woodcarving: Idlib's woodcarvers were known for their beautiful wooden items, including furniture, decorative boxes, and intricate wooden designs.
    • Weaving: In addition to carpets, Idlib's weavers produced a range of other textiles, including clothing, scarves, and bags.
    • Pottery: Idlib's potters created beautiful ceramics, including functional items like plates, bowls, and cups, as well as decorative pieces like vases and figurines.
    • Metalwork: Idlib's metalworkers were skilled in crafting items like jewelry, decorative items, and tools.
  4. Food Products: Idlib was also known for its traditional food products, including:
    • Dried Fruits: Idlib's dry climate made it an ideal place for drying fruits like apricots, figs, and grapes, which were then exported to other parts of Syria and the Middle East.
    • Spices: Idlib was a major producer of spices, including cumin, coriander, and sumac, which were used in traditional Syrian cuisine.
    • Honey: Idlib's beekeepers produced high-quality honey, which was prized for its flavor and medicinal properties.

These traditional industries and products were an important part of Idlib's cultural heritage and economy before the war. Unfortunately, the conflict has had a devastating impact on the region, causing widespread destruction and displacement of its people. Many of these traditional industries and products are now at risk of being lost forever.