Id cabasa new song

You're looking for the latest song from ID Cabasa, a renowned Nigerian music producer and disc jockey!

As of my knowledge cutoff, ID Cabasa hasn't released a new song recently. However, I can suggest some of his popular tracks and collaborations that you might enjoy:

  1. "Buga" (feat. Olamide) - A hit single from 2019 that showcases ID Cabasa's signature Afrobeat production style.
  2. "Totori" (feat. Olamide) - Another popular collaboration with Olamide, released in 2018.
  3. "She Likes It" (feat. Olamide) - A fun, upbeat track from 2017 that features ID Cabasa's signature drum patterns and Olamide's energetic vocals.

If you're looking for new music, you can keep an eye on ID Cabasa's social media accounts or music streaming platforms like Apple Music, Spotify, or YouTube Music. He often shares snippets and teasers of upcoming tracks, so you might catch a glimpse of his next big hit!

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