Ice breakers for texting a girl

The art of texting a girl! Here are some fun and creative icebreaker ideas to help you get started:

  1. The Classic: "Hey, how's your day going?"
  2. The Compliment: "I saw your post about [shared interest] and thought you were really cool. What do you like about it?"
  3. The Question: "What's the best thing that's happened to you this week?"
  4. The Humor: "I just saw a funny meme/video and thought of you. Want to see it?"
  5. The Common Ground: "I noticed we both like [shared interest]. What's your favorite [related topic]?"
  6. The Curiosity: "What's something you're looking forward to doing in the next few weeks?"
  7. The Lighthearted: "If you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be and why?"
  8. The Personal: "What's something that's been on your mind lately?"
  9. The Fun Fact: "Did you know [interesting fact]? I just learned it and thought it was cool."
  10. The Playful: "If you could turn any activity into an Olympic sport, what would you choose and why?"
  11. The Story: "I just saw a movie/TV show and thought of you. Have you seen it?"
  12. The Would You Rather: "Would you rather [fun choice A] or [fun choice B]?"
  13. The Two Truths and a Lie: "I have two true statements and one false statement about myself. Can you guess which one is the lie?"
  14. The Game: "Let's play a game! I'll start with a question, and then you have to answer with a question of your own."
  15. The Personalized: "I noticed you mentioned [specific interest] in your profile. What do you like about it?"

Remember to keep your initial messages light and casual, and make sure to:

Good luck, and have fun!