Ice breakers aboutpotential

Here are some icebreaker questions and activities that can help spark conversations about potential:


  1. What's one thing you're passionate about outside of work/school that you think could be a potential career path?
  2. If you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be and why? What do you think you could learn from them?
  3. What's the most exciting project or idea you've ever worked on? What made it so exciting?
  4. If you could go back in time and give advice to your younger self, what would it be and why?
  5. What's one skill or talent you've always wanted to develop, but haven't had the chance to yet? Why is it important to you?


  1. Potential Mural: Divide the group into small teams and give each team a large piece of paper or whiteboard. Ask them to brainstorm and draw a mural that represents their collective potential. Encourage them to include symbols, images, and words that represent their strengths, passions, and goals.
  2. Human Bingo: Create bingo cards with different traits, skills, or interests (e.g. "has traveled to another country", "speaks more than one language", "has a talent for music"). Each participant needs to find someone who fits each of the characteristics and get them to sign the corresponding square.
  3. The Future is Now: Ask each participant to imagine it's 10 years from now and they've achieved their wildest dreams. What does their life look like? What are they doing? What kind of impact are they making? Have them share their vision with the group.
  4. Potential Pair-Up: Pair participants up and ask them to interview each other about their potential. What are their strengths and weaknesses? What are their goals and aspirations? What kind of support do they need to achieve their potential?
  5. Potential Scavenger Hunt: Create a scavenger hunt with clues and challenges that require participants to think creatively and tap into their potential. For example, "Find someone who has a unique talent and ask them to show you their skills" or "Take a photo of something that represents your personal potential".

Remember to keep the activities light-hearted and fun, and make sure they're inclusive and respectful of all participants. The goal is to spark conversations and inspire creativity, not to put anyone on the spot or make them feel uncomfortable.