Ice breakers about potential

Here are some icebreaker questions and activities that can help spark conversations about potential:


  1. What's one thing you're passionate about outside of work/school that you think could be a potential career path?
  2. If you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be and why? What do you think you could learn from them?
  3. What's the most creative or innovative thing you've ever done? What skills did you use to make it happen?
  4. If you could go back in time and give advice to your younger self, what would it be? How do you think that advice could help you achieve your potential?
  5. What's one thing you're proud of accomplishing, and how did you overcome any obstacles to achieve it?


  1. Potential Mapping: Have each person draw a map of their ideal future, including their goals, aspirations, and potential career paths. Then, have them share their map with the group and discuss common themes and areas of interest.
  2. Human Bingo: Create bingo cards with different traits, skills, or interests (e.g. "has traveled to another country", "speaks more than one language", "has a passion for art"). Each person needs to find someone who fits each of the characteristics and get them to sign the corresponding square.
  3. The Future is Now: Have each person write down one thing they want to achieve in the next 5-10 years. Then, have them share their goal with the group and discuss how they plan to achieve it.
  4. Potential Pair-Up: Pair up people who have different strengths, skills, or interests. Have them discuss how they can learn from each other and support each other in achieving their potential.
  5. Vision Boards: Have each person create a vision board (a visual representation of their goals and aspirations) using magazines, scissors, glue, and other materials. Then, have them share their board with the group and discuss how they plan to make their vision a reality.

These activities and questions can help spark conversations about potential, creativity, and innovation, and can be adapted to fit the needs and interests of your group.