Ice breaker games for a chinese expedition

What a fascinating expedition! Here are some icebreaker games that can help your team bond and get to know each other better, with a Chinese twist:

  1. Chinese Zodiac Scavenger Hunt: Divide the team into small groups and give each group a list of Chinese zodiac animals (e.g., Rat, Ox, Tiger, etc.). Each group has to find someone who matches their assigned animal's characteristics (e.g., "Find someone who is adventurous like a Tiger"). The first team to complete the scavenger hunt wins.
  2. Mandarin Name Game: Have each team member introduce themselves and share their Mandarin name (if they have one). Then, ask each person to say the names of their teammates in Mandarin. This game helps break the ice and encourages team members to learn each other's names in Chinese.
  3. Chinese Food Challenge: Prepare a variety of Chinese snacks or dishes, and have each team member try a new food. Ask them to rate the food on a scale of 1-5, and then discuss their reactions as a group. This game can lead to some interesting conversations and laughter.
  4. Chinese Proverb Match: Write down a list of Chinese proverbs (e.g., "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step") on slips of paper, and have each team member match the proverb with its English translation. This game encourages teamwork and cultural understanding.
  5. Dragon Dance: Divide the team into small groups and give each group a set of instructions to create a simple dragon dance. This game promotes creativity, teamwork, and communication.
  6. Chinese New Year Trivia: Prepare a set of trivia questions related to Chinese New Year traditions, customs, and history. Divide the team into small groups and see which group can answer the most questions correctly.
  7. Two Truths and a Lie: Chinese Edition: Have each team member come up with two true statements about themselves related to China (e.g., "I've visited China before" or "I can speak some Mandarin") and one false statement. The other team members have to guess which statement is the lie. This game encourages team members to share interesting facts about themselves and their connections to China.
  8. Chinese Calligraphy: Provide each team member with a piece of paper and a brush pen, and have them create their own Chinese calligraphy art. This game promotes creativity and relaxation.
  9. Chinese Music Match: Prepare a playlist of traditional Chinese music and have each team member match the songs with their corresponding Chinese titles. This game encourages cultural appreciation and teamwork.
  10. Chinese Storytelling: Have each team member share a personal story or anecdote related to China (e.g., a memorable experience, a cultural tradition, or a fascinating fact). This game promotes bonding and cultural understanding.

Remember to keep the games light-hearted and fun, and make sure they're inclusive and respectful of all team members. Good luck with your Chinese expedition!