Ice breaker evaluator checklist

Here's a sample icebreaker evaluator checklist to help you assess the effectiveness of an icebreaker activity:

Icebreaker Evaluator Checklist

Objective: The objective of this icebreaker is to [briefly describe the objective of the activity, e.g. "to help participants get to know each other" or "to establish a relaxed and collaborative atmosphere"].

Evaluation Criteria:

  1. Engagement:
    • Did participants actively participate in the activity?
    • Were they engaged and interested in the activity?
    • Did they seem to enjoy themselves?
  2. Communication:
    • Did participants communicate effectively with each other during the activity?
    • Were they able to share their thoughts and ideas with the group?
    • Did they listen actively to others?
  3. Teamwork:
    • Did participants work together as a team to achieve the activity's objective?
    • Were they able to collaborate and support each other?
    • Did they demonstrate a sense of unity and shared purpose?
  4. Creativity:
    • Did the activity encourage creativity and out-of-the-box thinking?
    • Were participants able to think creatively and come up with innovative solutions?
    • Did the activity inspire new ideas and perspectives?
  5. Inclusivity:
    • Did the activity include and engage all participants, regardless of their background, experience, or personality?
    • Were participants from diverse backgrounds and perspectives able to contribute and participate?
    • Did the activity promote a sense of belonging and inclusivity?
  6. Fun and Enjoyment:
    • Did participants seem to have fun and enjoy themselves during the activity?
    • Was the activity enjoyable and engaging for everyone?
    • Did it create a positive and uplifting atmosphere?
  7. Relevance:
    • Was the activity relevant to the group's goals, objectives, or context?
    • Did it align with the group's values and mission?
    • Did it provide a meaningful and valuable experience for participants?

Additional Comments:

Rating Scale:

You can use this checklist to evaluate the effectiveness of your icebreaker activity and identify areas for improvement. Remember to provide constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement to help participants and facilitators grow and develop.