Iccid new

ICCID (Integrated Circuit Card Identifier) is a unique identifier assigned to a SIM card or an embedded Universal Integrated Circuit Card (eUICC). It's a 19-digit or 20-digit number that identifies the SIM card and is used to activate and manage the SIM card's services.

Here are some key facts about ICCID:

  1. Format: ICCID is a 19-digit or 20-digit number, usually in the format "89xyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" or "89xyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx".
  2. Purpose: ICCID is used to identify a SIM card and is required for activation, authentication, and management of the SIM card's services.
  3. Unique: Each ICCID is unique to a specific SIM card and cannot be reused or duplicated.
  4. Used by: ICCID is used by mobile network operators, SIM card manufacturers, and other parties involved in the SIM card ecosystem.
  5. Types: There are two types of ICCID:
    • Physical ICCID: This is the physical SIM card's ICCID, which is printed on the SIM card or stored in the SIM card's memory.
    • Logical ICCID: This is the ICCID associated with a virtual SIM card or an eUICC, which is stored in the SIM card's memory or in a remote database.
  6. Length: ICCID can be 19 digits (18 digits + 1 check digit) or 20 digits (19 digits + 1 check digit).
  7. Check digit: The last digit of the ICCID is a check digit, which is calculated using a specific algorithm to ensure the ICCID is valid and accurate.
  8. Security: ICCID is a sensitive piece of information and is protected by various security measures, such as encryption and secure storage, to prevent unauthorized access or tampering.

In summary, ICCID is a unique identifier assigned to a SIM card or eUICC, used for activation, authentication, and management of the SIM card's services. It's a critical component of the SIM card ecosystem and is used by various parties involved in the SIM card industry.