Ica news

ICA stands for International Council of Archives, which is a global organization that aims to promote the preservation and accessibility of archival records. Here are some recent news and updates from the ICA:

Recent News

  1. ICA's 2022 Congress: The ICA held its 2022 Congress in Ottawa, Canada, from August 21-26, 2022. The event brought together archivists and records managers from around the world to discuss topics such as digital preservation, archival education, and the impact of climate change on archives.
  2. New ICA President: In August 2022, Dr. Luciana Duranti was elected as the new President of the ICA. Dr. Duranti is a renowned archivist and records manager with extensive experience in the field.
  3. ICA's 2022 Awards: The ICA announced the winners of its 2022 Awards, which recognize outstanding contributions to the field of archives and records management. The winners included individuals and organizations from around the world who have made significant contributions to the preservation and accessibility of archival records.

Upcoming Events

  1. ICA's 2023 Congress: The ICA will hold its 2023 Congress in Paris, France, from July 9-14, 2023. The event will focus on the theme "Archives and Records in the Digital Age" and will feature keynote speakers, workshops, and panel discussions on topics such as digital preservation, artificial intelligence, and the impact of social media on archives.
  2. ICA's 2023 Regional Conference: The ICA will hold its 2023 Regional Conference in Bangkok, Thailand, from March 27-31, 2023. The event will focus on the theme "Archives and Records in Southeast Asia" and will feature keynote speakers, workshops, and panel discussions on topics such as archival education, digital preservation, and the impact of climate change on archives.

Resources and Publications

  1. ICA's Journal: The ICA publishes a quarterly journal that features articles, reviews, and news on topics related to archives and records management. The journal is available online and in print.
  2. ICA's Guidelines: The ICA has developed a range of guidelines and standards for archives and records management, including guidelines on digital preservation, archival appraisal, and records management.
  3. ICA's Education and Training: The ICA offers a range of education and training programs for archivists and records managers, including online courses, workshops, and conferences.

I hope this information is helpful!