Ibrahimovic pogba ignore everyone else man utd

The infamous "Ibra and Pogba show" at Manchester United!

During their time at Old Trafford, Zlatan Ibrahimović and Paul Pogba formed a formidable attacking duo, with both players known for their exceptional skills and confidence on the pitch. While they were undoubtedly talented, their partnership was often criticized for being selfish and prioritizing individual brilliance over team success.

Ibrahimović, in particular, was known for his ego and tendency to dominate the ball, often to the detriment of his teammates. He would frequently hold onto the ball for extended periods, waiting for the perfect moment to strike, which could lead to frustration among his teammates who were expecting a pass.

Pogba, on the other hand, was criticized for his inconsistent form and tendency to disappear in big games. Despite his incredible talent, he often struggled to deliver on the biggest stages, which led to frustration among fans and pundits alike.

Together, they formed a dynamic duo that was both mesmerizing and infuriating to watch. Their partnership was often described as a "one-man show," with both players seemingly more interested in showcasing their individual skills than working together to create scoring opportunities for the team.

Despite their individual brilliance, their partnership ultimately failed to deliver the desired results, and both players left Manchester United in 2018. Ibrahimović returned to the MLS, while Pogba remained at Old Trafford, albeit with a renewed sense of purpose and a more team-oriented approach.

In hindsight, it's clear that the "Ibra and Pogba show" was a double-edged sword. While they brought excitement and entertainment to the pitch, their selfishness and inconsistency ultimately hindered the team's progress and led to their downfall.