Ibm apologises australian e census bungle setting off blame game #comments

Here are some possible comments on the article:

Angry Citizen: "Unbelievable! IBM, you're supposed to be a reputable company, and yet you've managed to botch the Australian e-census. What a joke! I demand a full investigation and compensation for the inconvenience caused."

Tech Expert: "I'm not surprised. IBM's been struggling to keep up with modern technology for years. They should have known better than to try to handle a massive project like the census on their own. It's a classic case of underestimating the complexity of the task."

Government Critic: "This is a perfect example of why the government should never outsource critical infrastructure to private companies. IBM's incompetence has put the entire census process at risk. It's time for the government to take responsibility and fix this mess."

IBM Defender: "Let's not be too quick to point fingers. IBM is a huge company with thousands of employees. It's unlikely that one person or team was solely responsible for the bungle. Let's wait for the investigation to conclude before we start assigning blame."

Frustrated Resident: "I'm just trying to fill out my census form and I'm getting error messages left and right. It's ridiculous. I don't care who's to blame, I just want it to work properly. Can't we just go back to paper forms?"

Data Security Concerned: "This is a huge security risk. With all the sensitive information being collected, it's unacceptable that IBM's system is so vulnerable to errors and hacking. I hope the government takes immediate action to secure the data and prevent any further breaches."

Census Worker: "I've been working on the census for months, and I can tell you that the system has been a nightmare from the start. IBM's software is clunky and outdated, and we've been begging for updates and fixes for weeks. It's no wonder things have gone wrong."