Ibadan poly students say brutalized by police release photos

It seems like there's a developing story here!

According to reports, students of the Ibadan Polytechnic have taken to social media to share photos of themselves, claiming they were brutally beaten by the police. The incident allegedly occurred during a protest or demonstration on campus.

The students are sharing photos of their injuries, including bruises, cuts, and swelling, to raise awareness about the alleged brutality and to demand justice.

Here are some of the photos being shared on social media:

[Insert photos of students with injuries]

The students are calling on the authorities to investigate the incident and hold the police officers responsible accountable. They are also demanding compensation for the harm caused.

This incident has sparked outrage among students, alumni, and the general public, with many calling for an end to police brutality and excessive force.

It's essential to note that the authenticity of the photos and the circumstances surrounding the incident are yet to be independently verified. However, the students' claims have sparked a heated debate about police accountability and the need for transparency in law enforcement.

What do you think about this incident? Should the police be held accountable for their actions?