I wish klopp had been able to work with the real ciro immobile

What an intriguing thought! Ciro Immobile is an incredibly talented striker, and it's fascinating to imagine how he would have fit into Jürgen Klopp's system at Liverpool.

Immobile's playing style, which combines exceptional finishing, movement, and hold-up play, would have likely thrived under Klopp's high-intensity, pressing-based approach. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. Finishing: Immobile is one of the most clinical finishers in the world, with an incredible goal-to-game ratio. Klopp's system often relies on quick transitions and counter-attacks, which would have allowed Immobile to capitalize on the opportunities created by the team's pressing and movement.
  2. Movement: Immobile is an intelligent and agile player who excels at finding space and making runs behind the defense. Klopp's system often requires players to make intelligent runs and create opportunities through movement, which Immobile would have excelled at.
  3. Hold-up play: Immobile is an excellent hold-up player, able to bring others into play and create opportunities through his link-up play. Klopp's system often requires players to be able to hold up the ball and distribute it effectively, which Immobile would have done with ease.
  4. Pressing: Immobile is an excellent presser, able to harass defenders and win the ball back quickly. Klopp's system relies heavily on pressing and winning the ball back quickly, which Immobile would have been well-suited to.

If Immobile had played under Klopp at Liverpool, it's likely that he would have formed a potent partnership with Roberto Firmino, with the two strikers creating a formidable attacking duo. The combination of Immobile's finishing, movement, and hold-up play, along with Firmino's pressing and link-up play, would have been a nightmare for opposing defenses to deal with.

Of course, this is all speculation, and we'll never know for certain how Immobile would have performed under Klopp at Liverpool. However, it's fun to imagine the possibilities and consider how Immobile's skills would have fit into Klopp's system.