I want to work with people i am happy with like i had at inter mourinho

You're referring to your time working with José Mourinho at Chelsea FC!

It's great that you had a positive experience working with him. Mourinho is known for his strong personality and high standards, which can be both challenging and rewarding to work with.

If you're looking to replicate that experience, here are some tips that might help:

  1. Find a leader who shares your values: Mourinho is known for his strong sense of discipline and attention to detail. Look for a leader who shares these values and is willing to invest time and effort into developing their team.
  2. Be proactive and take initiative: Mourinho is known for pushing his players to be proactive and take initiative on the pitch. Show your leader that you're willing to take ownership of your work and be proactive in finding solutions.
  3. Be prepared to work hard: Mourinho is notorious for his high-intensity training sessions and demanding expectations. Be prepared to put in the hard work and effort required to meet his standards.
  4. Communicate effectively: Good communication is key to success in any team. Make sure you're clear and concise in your communication, and be open to feedback and guidance from your leader.
  5. Be adaptable: Mourinho is known for his ability to adapt his tactics and strategy to suit the situation. Be willing to adapt to changing circumstances and be flexible in your approach.

Remember that every leader is unique, and what worked with Mourinho may not work with someone else. However, by focusing on these key traits, you can increase your chances of having a positive and productive working relationship with your leader.

What specific aspects of your experience working with Mourinho would you like to replicate in your next role?