I have no anointed successor says udom

It seems like you're referring to the Governor of Akwa Ibom State, Udom Gabriel Emmanuel, who recently made a statement about not having an anointed successor.

For those who may not know, an anointed successor is a person who is chosen or endorsed by a political leader or a party to take over their position or role in the future.

In this case, Governor Udom's statement suggests that he has not chosen or endorsed anyone to succeed him as the Governor of Akwa Ibom State. This could be seen as a sign of transparency and fairness, as it allows other interested individuals to vie for the position without any perceived bias or favoritism.

It's worth noting that this statement may also be seen as a way for Governor Udom to maintain his independence and avoid being seen as a puppet master, which could be beneficial for his administration and the state as a whole.

What are your thoughts on this development? Do you think Governor Udom's statement is a positive move for the state, or do you have any concerns about the implications of not having an anointed successor?