I had to control the animal inside me arsene wenger reveals key to managerial success

I think there may be some creative liberties taken here!

Arsène Wenger, the former Arsenal manager, has indeed spoken about his approach to management, but I'm not aware of him ever mentioning controlling an animal inside him as a key to success.

Wenger is known for his tactical acumen, his emphasis on developing young players, and his ability to build strong team dynamics. He has also spoken about the importance of mental preparation, adaptability, and being able to read the game.

In various interviews, Wenger has shared his thoughts on what makes a successful manager, including:

  1. Understanding the game: "You have to have a deep understanding of the game, its rhythms, its patterns, its dynamics."
  2. Building strong relationships: "You have to build strong relationships with your players, with your staff, with your club."
  3. Adapting to situations: "You have to be able to adapt to situations, to be able to change your approach, to be able to evolve."
  4. Developing young players: "You have to be able to develop young players, to give them the confidence, the guidance, and the support they need to grow."
  5. Staying calm under pressure: "You have to be able to stay calm under pressure, to be able to make decisions quickly, and to be able to communicate effectively with your players."

While these insights are valuable, I'm afraid there's no mention of controlling an animal inside him as a key to success!