I can act nude in movie but nollywood actress reveals

It seems like you're referring to a recent controversy in the Nigerian film industry, Nollywood. A popular Nollywood actress, Tonto Dikeh, recently made a statement that has sparked a lot of debate.

According to reports, Tonto Dikeh said that she would not act nude in a movie, even if it means missing out on a role. She emphasized that she values her modesty and would not compromise her values for the sake of a movie.

This statement has sparked a lot of reactions from fans and fellow actors in the industry. Some people have praised Tonto Dikeh for her stance, while others have criticized her for being too conservative.

It's worth noting that the Nigerian film industry has a reputation for producing explicit content, and some actors have been known to go nude or semi-nude in their movies. However, it's also important to respect the boundaries and values of individual actors, including their decision to maintain their modesty.

What do you think about Tonto Dikeh's statement? Do you agree with her decision to not act nude in a movie, or do you think she's being too conservative?