I am not a rule breaker

That's great to hear! Being a rule follower can be a valuable trait, as it can help you build trust, respect, and a sense of responsibility. Rules are often in place to ensure safety, fairness, and order, and following them can help you avoid conflicts and difficulties.

However, it's also important to remember that rules are meant to be flexible and can sometimes be broken in extreme circumstances. For example, if a rule is unjust or harmful, it may be necessary to break it in order to stand up for what is right.

It's also important to remember that breaking a rule doesn't necessarily mean you're a "rule breaker." Sometimes, rules need to be broken in order to achieve a greater good or to protect someone or something. It's all about context and intention.

So, while being a rule follower is important, it's also important to remember that there may be times when it's necessary to break a rule. And if you do break a rule, it's important to take responsibility for your actions and make amends if necessary.

What do you think about rules and rule-breaking? Do you have any personal experiences or thoughts on the topic?