Hunter biden news

Hunter Biden is a businessman and lawyer who has been in the news recently due to his involvement in various controversies and scandals. Here are some of the latest news stories about Hunter Biden:

  1. Investigation into his business dealings: Hunter Biden is currently under investigation by the US Department of Justice for his business dealings in Ukraine and China. The investigation is looking into whether he violated any laws or regulations in his business dealings, including allegations of money laundering and bribery.
  2. Controversy over his role on the board of a Ukrainian gas company: Hunter Biden was a member of the board of directors of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian gas company, from 2014 to 2019. The company has been accused of corruption and money laundering, and Hunter Biden's role on the board has been criticized as a potential conflict of interest.
  3. Allegations of nepotism: Hunter Biden's appointment to the board of Burisma Holdings has been criticized as an example of nepotism, as he has no experience in the energy industry and was appointed to the board despite having no qualifications for the position.
  4. Investigation into his tax returns: Hunter Biden is also under investigation by the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for allegedly failing to pay taxes on his income from his business dealings in Ukraine and China.
  5. Controversy over his use of a private email server: Hunter Biden has been criticized for using a private email server to conduct official business, which has raised concerns about the security of his emails and the potential for them to be hacked.
  6. Allegations of drug use: Hunter Biden has been accused of using drugs, including cocaine and heroin, and has been in rehab several times to address his addiction.
  7. Controversy over his relationship with his father: Hunter Biden's relationship with his father, Joe Biden, has been the subject of controversy, with some critics accusing him of using his father's influence to advance his own business interests.

It's worth noting that Hunter Biden has denied any wrongdoing and has stated that he has done nothing illegal or unethical in his business dealings. However, the investigations and controversies surrounding him continue to make headlines and raise questions about his business practices and personal life.