Hungry shark world new shark

Exciting news for Hungry Shark World fans!

A new shark has been added to the game! Introducing the...

Goblin Shark

This eerie-looking shark is a rare and elusive creature that can be found in the depths of the ocean. It's a slow-moving shark with a pinkish-brown color and a distinctive flabby body.

Here are some key stats for the Goblin Shark:

To unlock the Goblin Shark, you'll need to complete a special challenge in the game. Here's how:

  1. Reach level 20 in Hungry Shark World.
  2. Complete the "Goblin Shark Challenge" by eating a set amount of fish and other sea creatures within a certain time limit.
  3. Once you've completed the challenge, the Goblin Shark will be unlocked and available for use in the game.

Get ready to dive into the depths and catch a glimpse of this rare and fascinating shark!