Humans of new york

The Humans of New York (HONY) project!

Humans of New York is a photography project that was started in 2010 by Brandon Stanton, a photographer and storyteller. The project aims to capture the stories and portraits of everyday people in New York City, showcasing the diversity and complexity of human experiences.

The project began as a blog, where Stanton would post a new photo and story every day, featuring a different person from the city. The stories are often poignant, humorous, and thought-provoking, and have resonated with millions of people around the world.

Over time, the project has expanded to include stories from other cities and countries, as well as books, exhibitions, and even a podcast. The project has also spawned a community of fans and contributors, who share their own stories and photos on social media using the hashtag #HumansOfNewYork.

Some of the most notable aspects of the project include:

  1. The storytelling: Stanton's ability to elicit powerful and intimate stories from his subjects is remarkable. He has a gift for asking the right questions and creating a sense of trust with his subjects.
  2. The photography: Stanton's photos are often stunning, capturing the beauty and diversity of the city and its people.
  3. The community: The project has created a sense of community among its fans, who share their own stories and photos and connect with others who have been featured on the blog.
  4. The impact: The project has had a significant impact on the way we think about and interact with each other. It has also raised awareness about social issues and sparked important conversations.

Some of the most popular and memorable stories from the project include:

  1. The story of a homeless man who was struggling to get back on his feet, but was determined to make a better life for himself.
  2. The story of a young woman who was living with a rare medical condition, but was determined to pursue her dreams despite the challenges.
  3. The story of a group of friends who were brought together by a shared love of music and art.
  4. The story of a veteran who was struggling to adjust to civilian life after serving in the military.

Overall, Humans of New York is a powerful and inspiring project that celebrates the diversity and complexity of human experience.